Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Blogging and Work based learning

Decided that my final learning object (LO) would be on Work Based Learning (WBL); the Foundation Degree concept that was my original topic was insufficiently standalone to introduce in the size of LO required.

This has more 'me' and fewer reference points than the other two LOs; a different style. Will it be equally valid?

Had a real boost today. I had asked a friend and colleague to time-check my first two LOs and was given some great feedback today - not in terms of timeliness ( a few issues there methinks) but that the activities were interesting and informative. When you are in a 'classroom situation you get that buzz when students enjoy the learning experience - and I had that same sense of excitement that someone whose opinion I respect could find the planned activities positive.

Just goes to show the value of feedback ....


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