Friday, August 01, 2008

Back Again .......

Today has been the first day, following our house move, that my head has been straight enough to start to write in any meaningful and/or reflective way concerning professional practice. The run up to moving was short and manic and - in both my working life and my professional role - I do not manage short notice situations as effectively as those for which planning has been a possibility. The knock on effect has been huge - at least in terms of my ability to concentrate on projects beyond the immediate scope of e-mail answering - and it has only been in the past couple of days that I have felt that I was gaining momentum in terms of waering my managers mantle properly once more.

There has been much discourse in our community about the strategic role of leadership in facilitation of ICT in the 'Academy'. This not only relates strongly to the project work I am doing for the doctoral programme but also to my professional direction within my College. The 'Academy' is seen as the elite research based University and I have to be careful not to bristle at that contextualisation, remembering that HE in FE is not common internationally, though the Australian model and American Community College models run parallel. There also seems to be a knocking of senior leadership to which I must respond, I guess.

I am in danger of moving into the direction of whinges and wittering now and so will stop, but I guess there needs to be consideration of the impact of government levels funding cuts (e.g. LSC numbers allocations), diversion of ASNs, the general change in economic status with rising costs of living et al when being critical of the way in which senior managers may need to prioritise their own budgetary allocations.


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