Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Maps and cunning plans

Sometimes technology is just too frustrating. I was just in the middle of writing an inspired piece on the use of rich pictures to present a concept when the rotten internet connection was lost … and a s any good author ( and I am not one) knows, the moment is lost when the first draft is obliterated – and a new moment has to be created. So off I go again.

One of the guys in our learning community (I must ask them if I can use their names) found a great rich picture by Gilly Salmon and posted it to the community thus generating reflection on the professional routes taken


I can’t look at this and see any one sensible route since many and various cunning plans and a few changes of role have put me in different corners of the map with varied trajectories both planned and unplanned. I have to say that I don’t think that there is a corner of this map I haven’t visited at some point but it’s the Temple of Pedagogy (and boy did she name that appropriately) to which I return again and again. Without learning and the learner what is it all for?

Yet, even as I write that, the day has been filled with management speak and administration – I guess the important thing is keeping that purpose at heart.


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